Breaking News
admin December 28, 2018

There are quite a few simulators that are compact in size but capable of making work on the body much more efficient. One of them is a press clip, which is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, but also allows you to work with other muscle groups. Not only trained athletes but also beginners who take their […]

admin December 17, 2018

Many people who want to lose weight are attracted by Tabata exercises for losing weight, recognized as the most effective for burning fat. This system allows you to spend on the complex of exercises for only 4 to 20 minutes and at the same time lose weight faster than from a full-time cardio load, simultaneously strengthening […]

admin July 6, 2018

When pulling works the following groups of muscles work: small and large breasts; front serrated; wide, diamond-shaped, round and trapezoidal backs; shoulder group – triceps, biceps, deltoid muscles.   The content of the article: We train the whole body Technique for pulling Varieties of grips when performing pull-ups Different purposes – different techniques To generate power: Working on […]

admin July 6, 2018

Protein cocktail is a low-calorie product created based on protein compounds. The advantage of this drink is that the protein, when ingested, is not stored in fat, but is a building material for muscle mass. Of course, if you do not engage in the gym, your muscles are unlikely to grow and gain relief, but […]

admin July 6, 2018

Fast carbohydrates – split too quickly and cause an “insulin burst” in our blood. To the brain, they act as quickly as to the stores of fatty deposits. And most importantly – the energy from simple carbohydrates for a long time is not enough. Not only specialists but also ordinary people, who know the value of […]

admin July 6, 2018

To form beautiful and harmoniously developed muscles of the upper leg, training should include exercises on the hamstrings. Together with the pumped up, elastic buttocks, the back surface of the thighs provides an effective fit of the trousers and is largely responsible for a sporty, smart silhouette. These muscles are involved in many basic exercises, […]

admin July 6, 2018

Body drying is an expression borrowed from bodybuilders. It means losing weight before the competition to thin the subcutaneous fat layer for detailed relief drawing. The result is achieved through intensive multi-rehearsal exercises with medium weights, as well as a reduction in the diet of carbohydrates and fats. Physical loads activate in the body biological processes that increase the […]