admin July 6, 2018

To form beautiful and harmoniously developed muscles of the upper leg, training should include exercises on the hamstrings. Together with the pumped up, elastic buttocks, the back surface of the thighs provides an effective fit of the trousers and is largely responsible for a sporty, smart silhouette. These muscles are involved in many basic exercises, which need to be supplemented with isolators for the right accent.

The hamstrings are a muscle with a short and long head. She is responsible for the extension of the thigh and flexion of the knee. Correctly pumped hamstrings will not only be the finishing touch in the perfect leg musculature but will also improve sports achievements in order. Let’s talk about how to pump the hamstrings, whether it can be done at home and what special exercises have already been developed for girls and guys.

To begin with, pay attention to pumping the hamstrings at home or in the hall, it does not matter, it takes as much time as the rest of the muscles. Several sets, which, many are sure, are enough for pumping this muscle, is catastrophically small. Refer to the training of this part of the body with the greatest possible seriousness and only then can you achieve the expected result!





Program for training the hamstrings

I recommend that you give this muscle group to you on a separate day, and bomb it to the maximum with all the exercises that we mentioned above. Those. The program can look like this:

  • Leg bend/standing
  • Deadlift with rod/dumbbell
  • Hyperextension (focus on the flicse)
  • And if there is a simulator, then bending the legs sitting in the simulator

Exercises for the hamstrings – you can change places, for example, first do not bend the legs, and deadlift, and then everything else, etc.

By the way, the program can look like this:

  • Leg bend
  • Bending of feet standing
  • Deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells
  • Hyperextension
  • Bending of legs sitting in the simulator

This is not dogma … do not get it wrong. In addition (in addition to the obligatory separate training of the hamstrings), one must also train on the day of the leg muscles, after the basic, basic, multi-joint exercises, such as squats, bench press, etc., for example, this is how the scheme looks:

  • The squat
  • Foot Press
  • Extension of the legs sitting (finishing off the exercise on the quadriceps) (hereafter, the training of the hamstrings)
  • Deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells
  • Leg bend
  • Caviar standing in the simulator
  • Caviar sitting in the simulator


exercises for pumping hamstrings


Exercises for pumping hamstrings – an effective program

There are many exercises with which you can independently pump out your hamstrings at home. All of them are simple enough and understandable and the video on the website just confirms this. So, let’s begin.

“Romanian” deadlift is the number one option!

In general, traction has much in common with the “dead”, performed with straight legs. Its difference is the knees bent at a small angle and a harmonious deflection in the lower back. Pay attention to the movement of the neck – it should go as close as possible to the knees and hips. Excessive displacement of the neck is fraught with injuries. While lowering the neck, be careful, slowing the rhythm when lifting, on the contrary, try to accelerate.


See also: Training with own weight


Remember that the muscles will grow faster if you carefully stretch them after each workout. Besides, the elasticity of the muscles will help to avoid injuries!

Leg bend with numerous repetitions

Even though the “Romanian” deadlift is out of competition, there are additional opportunities to load the muscle at home and in the hall. An excellent option – this is the bending of the legs with the maximum number of repetitions during training. As the weight increases, the legs respond well to the increased number of repeats of this kind.

Reduction of hamstrings

The time between the approaches is used to cut the biceps of the legs in the same way as you used to do in the case of biceps on the hands. The proper regular reduction will help to increase mass and density faster. Do not forget about it during the training.

  1. Train your back and biceps legs during one workout. 
    Try, that for one training it was possible to train not only the hamstrings of a hip but also the back. Training of these muscle groups is possible in tandem, for example, in the process of performing slopes.
  2. Change the speed of the exercises. Even though traditionally exercises are performed with fast lifts and slowdowns, it does not prevent from changing the speed for so-called mass stimulation from time to time. Highlight days for slow and fast workouts.
  3. Do not stagnate during an exercise with leg bendings. 
    The position of the socks is important for the operation of the hamstrings during the bending process. Extended socks contribute to an increased contraction in the upper part of the muscle. Raised socks increase the contraction in the lower part of the muscle.
  4. “Play” with the muscles of the lower leg to achieve variability. 
    For a change during flexion, try not to strain the muscles of your legs. Reducing the working weight will demonstrate the role of calves in performing flexions. Try to exclude them.
  5. Perform attacks for the load of the hamstrings. 
    Such an exercise is quite suitable for training at home. The correct wide step and deep lunge allow you to connect not only the quadriceps, for which this exercise is performed most often but also the biceps. Perform attacks should only after a hundred percent recovery of quadriceps, given that they also fall load.


pumping hamstrings


Exercises for bleeding hamstrings for girls

You can pump your bicep ham to the girl both in the gym under the guidance of the coach, and at home, using special video. Below is a list of effective and simple exercises for girls.

Leg bending

Perform this exercise should be in the position of lying on a special simulator-bench. Fit the length of the simulator under yourself and lie down the face, fixing the legs on the side mounts. Hook your hands behind the side rails and begin to slowly perform the bending of the legs for each exhalation. Perform several sets of twenty repetitions.


Exercise is also performed on the simulator and is one of the most effective for the hamstrings. Start the exercise from the lying position. The hips rest on the simulator, the body is stretched, the arms in the lock in front of him. Bend your legs, bending backward. Having reached the apogee of the bend, do not breathe for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Deadlift with dumbbell or barbell

Exercise according to the instructions will help in a short time to increase the mass of the hamstrings. Take the starting position standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Exhaling, lower the bar to the floor, bending in the lower back, but not using your legs. Return to the starting position by inhaling, fully straightening your back. While performing the exercise, do not tilt the head to avoid injuries related to the pressure applied to the neck.

Squats with dumbbells

The simplest exercise that can easily be done at home. Take the starting position, put your feet a little narrower than the width of the shoulders. Do squats with dumbbells in your hands, breathing in during the squat and breathing out. It will be enough to have several sets of 15 repetitions.
As you can see, exercises for working at home and in the hall, allowing to pump the hamstrings, is enough. Follow the recommendations and use a special video for proper training, if there is no personal contact with the coach!

Qualitative training of the hamstrings includes technically complex exercises, potentially dangerous for beginners. Working out the technique with the trainer will make it possible to extract the maximum effect from the training and avoid a long and costly rehabilitation period in case of trauma.

With caution should be approached to perform exercises on the legs in general and the hamstrings in particular people with diseases of the spine, knee, or hip joints. Correct technique and competent selection of working weight are the primary tasks before the beginning of serious training.